Amare gli animali
A proposal for coexisting with other species.
Everyone loves animals. Almost half of Italians live with a dog or a cat at home. We spend money on their food, their health, their toys. One moment we are biting into a sausage or buying a new bag or leather boots. The relationship between us and other species has never been so distorted.
Because saying we love animals is easy. But what exactly do we do to make their lives happier? In the worst moment in History to be an animal – between intensive farming, deforestation and climate change – the Financial Times journalist Henry Mance sets out on a very personal journey, to understand if it is possible to live on this planet in a more just and sustainable world for all.
Mance visits slaughterhouses and zoos, meets hunters, fishermen, chefs and pet owners. With a revolutionary perspective: taking animals' experiences seriously. Without fanaticism and without losing its sense of humor, this book tries to answer a fundamental question: loving animals, yes, but how?
Translation by Lorenzo Vetta
Year of publication: April 2022
Number of pages: 478 pages
Format: 14 x 21 cm
Binding: Hardback
ISBN: 9788831321266
Henry Mance is a leading writer at the Financial Times, where he also writes a weekly satirical column on politics and culture. He was named Interviewer of the Year at the 2017 British Press Awards and has also worked for The Guardian, GQ, Tatler and Aeon. While writing Loving Animals, he worked in an abattoir and on a pig farm to see first-hand the consequences of our dietary lifestyle. Despite threats of divorce from his (vegetarian) wife, he has become a vegan and has no intention of going back.
Amare gli animali
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